2000 Annual Report of President
DATE: May 07, 2000
FROM: Calvin Janes
RE: Annual Report of the President

Members of Memphis Chapter, TAI,

I am pleased that we have completed our third year as a Tuskegee Airmen Chapter in the Memphis area. It continues to take countless efforts of many individuals to accomplish the tasks which are necessary to maintain this chapter. All of us are very busy but continue to provide our help as needed.

During the past year we awarded three (3) 1999 Memphis Chapter Educational Assistance Fund (Scholarship) awards of $1000 each. Our chapter donated $1500 which was used by our members to conduct the June 1999 ACE Camp for youth ages 14-18 yrs. In February 2000 we co-sponsored the MEMPHIS AVIATION PROFESSIONALS Annual Luncheon and Youth Awards. Our chapter also provided tickets for thirty (30) students to attend this luncheon at no cost to the students.

For year 2000 we will be awarding four (4) Memphis Chapter Educational Assistance Fund (Scholarship) awards of $1000 each. Funding for these awards have been made possible by the sale of commemorative busts and plates -- partly by our membership, but mostly from other nonprofit organizations who sold the busts and plates as part of a joint profit raising venture. In order to continue to fund programs of this magnitude, it will be necessary for the members of our chapter to engage in some sort of profit raising activity or activities during the next year.

We have been invited by the Hokinsville, Kentucky Chamber of Commerce to participate in the city's "Pennyrile Black Expo 2000" during September or October 2000. This is another opportunity to broaden our exposure and assistance to youth within the Mid-south area.

Memphis has been selected as the city to host the 2001 Joint OBAP/28th TAI National Convention in August 2001. Our Planning Committee will need your help to make this event successful and something our chapter can be proud to be a part of.

As we move into the next year of operation, we must again strive to not let our organization wither or fade away. There are many youth not only in need of our financial assistance, but also in need of our moral and professional guidance. Elementary, Middle, High, and Bible Schools need motivational speakers. Youth at all ages and levels of education are in need of mentors. We must be available for them. Regardless of your profession, you can help. Young people need motivation and must be aware of alternatives to alcohol, drugs, gangs, and violence. Spending just a small amount of the time in your lives with them now, can make a difference in how and where they spend the rest of the time in their lives later.

If you are not a member of one of the Standing Committees (Membership, Public Relations, Ways And Means, Archives, Bylaws, Educational, or Nominating) I encourage you to join one. It is not a requirement to attend every meeting in order to be a member of a committee. Contact one of the Committee Chairmen if you are interested.

Our goals and initiatives are geared toward youth. We must always keep this in mind as we meet and plan for the future. Tuskegee Airmen membership is open to any individual willing to share in the aforementioned goals. Our society is diverse and so must be our membership. We must strive to make any individual desiring to assist us in accomplishing our goals feel welcome; regardless of income, race, sex, national origin or any other differences. What is most important is that we all move in the same direction.

Last, but not least, I again remind you that as individuals we must be responsible and prompt in completing tasks. Some of us have jobs that require us to be away for extended periods of time. In our absence we must insure we designate another individual to "carry-on". Help out whenever you can and encourage others to do the same whenever they can. Any help, no matter how small you may consider it to be, is welcomed because it is better than no help at all.

Last year I stated that because of the upcoming election of chapter officers, 1999 should be my final annual report as your President. There are many of you who are very capable of assuming the duties of the chapter president. As I stated during the elections, the other officers and I whose terms were to expire after 1999, but were not replaced, will remain in our current officer positions as long as we each can personally do so and as long as we continue to have the support of the membership. As with any organization, the success or failure of this Chapter depends on the support and contributions of the officers and members. You are the ones who keep the Memphis Chapter in existence. Our Chapter continues to provide a much needed service to our community and it is financially sound. Together, we can ensure it remains that way!

Thank you for your help and support!
Calvin Janes
Calvin Janes